
Mediocre vs. extraordinary

I have never in my life been able to settle for mediocrity. Perhaps it’s my high-achieving, Type-A nature, but it actually causes me unease to see people or organizations not reaching their potential or know that people are settling for “getting by”. I have never understood why someone would ever want to settle when they have so many other options. And this applies to health. People are settling for mediocre health because they think it is “normal” to suffer with disrupted sleep, a racing heart, terrible menstrual cramps, headaches, acne, fatigue & the list goes on.

I don’t think people intentionally choose to settle for a mediocrity, I just think that they don’t know that there is a possibility to excel in their health, careers & personal lives. 

And well, you can’t achieve success in the other areas of your life if you’re letting ordinary or suboptimal health hold you back.It’s not always easy, but it is possible. If you are ready to achieve extraordinary, I am here to help you on that journey to reaching all of those goals & dreams that are absolutely attainable.