Is burnout affecting your company?

What if I told you there is a phenomenon costing Canadian companies alone billions of dollars every year; it’s affecting the mental & physical wellbeing of your employees, colleagues and maybe even yourself? What I’m talking about is burnout and …

Mediocre vs. extraordinary

I have never in my life been able to settle for mediocrity. Perhaps it’s my high-achieving, Type-A nature, but it actually causes me unease to see people or organizations not reaching their potential or know that people are settling for …

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care system that utilizes supportive and adjunctive treatments to stimulate the innate healing powers of the body and to put emphasis on treating the root causes of diseases rather than treating their symptoms. Naturopathic …

My approach to treatment

While I have a general family practice, I have a special interest in treating mood disorders (particularly anxiety, panic disorder & mild depression), insomnia, fatigue and burn-out.   Have you ever felt like you’ve been pushing yourself to get through …