The autoimmune protocol as explained by Etobicoke Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Melanie DeCunha

What is the Autoimmune Protocol?

AIP. Paleo. Keto. Vegan. Hypoallergenic. FODMAP. Intermittent fasting. Pescatarian. Elimination. With so many “diets” on the horizon, it’s no wonder people are more confused than ever about what they should or shouldn’t be eating. The focus of this article is …

Lemondrop cheesecake (AIP, paleo, dairy-free, gluten-free, egg-free)

Lemondrop dairy-free cheesecake {AIP, paleo}

Okay, well I’ve gone from never baking anything completely AIP (and rarely if ever baking anything at ALL) to trying out 4 different recipes within a week (check out my coconut cookie dough bites)! As a die-hard cheese(/cake) lover, I …

Coconut cookie dough bites {paleo, AIP}

So you want a delicious, healthy holiday treat but you’ve got tons of food restrictions. Whether you’re in the midst of an elimination diet or following the full AIP, these coconut cookie dough bites are just the treat for you! …

Trying to eat healthy but craving a traditional pasta dish? This gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free meatball marinara will hit all the right spots!

Gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free meatball marinara

Mmm….craving a hearty and delicious pasta dish, but you’ve got food intolerances? Fret not! With a few tweaks to a classic favourite, I’ve created a gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free meatball marinara! This hypoallergenic diet-friendly dish (as long you aren’t avoiding …