Aromatherapy for hair loss

Aromatherapy is more popular today than it has ever been. It has been around for thousands of years all around the world as a safe, natural method of healing. Now essential oils are easily available to the public and diffusers …

Natural nail health

Did you know that the health of your nails can tell a lot about the general state of your health? Changes to your nails such as white spots or lines, irregular texture, cracking or brittleness or dark spots could mean …

Stop reaching for antacids to treat your heartburn! Low stomach acid might be making it worse. Try a natural approach for quick and long term relief!

How to treat your heartburn naturally

Do you ever experience heartburn or regurgitation? Do you then reach for an antacid to soothe the discomfort? Chances are you might be making the problem worse in the long run! Did you know that you can treat your heartburn …